Il Bordone, in Sicily in the heart of Val Tellaro


A few steps from Noto, the organic farm "Il Bordone" was born with the aim of spreading and promoting the excellence of our land through quality products grown and processed according to the traditions and care of the past. In Sicily, in the heart of Val Tellaro, the company is immersed in a multiform landscape of colors and nature among lush olive groves.

Here grows the cultivar Moresca, a native variety from which an oil with a unique flavor is extracted.

When you choose a Protected Geographical Indication product, you are honoring traditions and promoting sustainable agriculture. You are actively contributing to the preservation of ancient methods passed down from generation to generation.

The PGI guarantees that each stage of production complies with rigorous regulations, to ensure a product of the highest quality and texture. It provides a transparent trail ensuring authenticity and origin.

By unscrewing the cap of our Vastuni, you unlock a world of flavors. Every drop tells the story of the soil from which it was born, the climate it has endured and the hands that carefully harvested and processed the olives.

A story worth savoring.